Monday, March 6, 2017

Ron Bordner Appreciation/Retires as Newsletter Editor March 2017

Cheryl Ranchino Trench provides introductory remarks
and history of Ron's efforts for the newsletter and area history.
Herrin City Library Director Sue Mullen
makes comments and appreciation of Ron
and local efforts to research and preserve our area history.

Ron Bordner, local researcher and historian
and years of providing articles and the HAHS newsletter.

HAHS President Phil Leon Stucker remarks
for presentation of Bordner's award

Ron accepts award/plaque from
HAHS board member/treasurer Carl Goodwin.

Ron Bordner makes remarks and presents his
thoughts on history, research efforts and the
importance of sharing with the community.

HAHS appreciation award.

HAHS board member Vicki Blair
presents Ron with a gift from the board.

Herrin Area Historical Society Board and friends.
March 6, 2017
Tony Galines Conference Room
Herrin City Library
Herrin, Illinois