Saturday, June 16, 2018

Herrin Coca Cola Bottling by Gery Will June 15 2018

HAHS President Phil Leon Stucker introducing our program. 


 June Program Chairman Bert Gordan


Program Chairmen Bert Gordan and one of the History Room summer interns, Josh Green, our program video tech and converts programs to youtube.


Gery Will presented a very nice slide show. 
In addition to shared info and memorabilia.

 Back in the day, Gery reports it took 2 days to deliver a load of Coca Cola to Carterville. Interesting stories.

 Gail and Doris will get you registered.
 Members or not, all welcome.

 Our head librarian Sue Mullen at Herrin City Library
and Phil Leon Stucker, HAHS President.

Really nice turn out, headcount at 64.