Monday, February 2, 2015

Marbles Herrin Historical Society Meeting February 13, 2015


Herrin Area Historical Society will present a program "Marble Collections and Games from a Historical Perspective" by Don Brandon, Herrin and George Little, Marion at 2 p.m. Friday, February 13 at Herrin City Library as part of the society's Guest Lecture program.
Brandon is a retired attorney and a board member of HAHS. Both men are longtime marble collectors. For more than seventy years they have collected marbles for their nostalgia and aesthetic colors and shapes. Brandon has an extensive collection of marbles. At one time he/ had over 9,000 and gave many away to children.

HAHS presents various speakers at their Guest Lecture Program Series quarterly on local, regional and state topics of historical interest. The public is invited. Membership information is available below. Phil Stucker is HAHS president.